Saturday, August 7, 2010

Through Being Cool - Time Out For Fun

Current work in progress shots for the next Sh-Betty Boom™ character maquette_8.2.10
Seems like it's been light years since I last posted an entry......

Although continuing production of earlier works that were previously blogged is still underway - I decided to spend a little creative time with Sh-Betty™ to explore her next adventure in the maquette realm.

Sculpted in proprietary wax.
As usual; the sculpt was unplanned and is currently an untitled work in progress. (You can pretty much bet that it will have some classic punk/new wave connotation in the end)

Besides some necessary adjustments, detail and fine "tooning" that need to be addressed in the sculpt, there are also a few elements missing in the images. Some of these have been sculpted and will be molded,cast then added separately(i.e): Sh-Betty's signature "WUWI" shoulder flare, cosmic hair coil, "S" hip swag.....

...and yeah,... I think we might be able to squeeze Bop in there, somewhere, along for the ride... on (or off) the cosmic Vespa.